
E-ship 101: Pathways Workshops

At the start of each year, the Center for Entrepreneurship and Career Services holds two Eship 101 Pathways workshops: one each for Starters and Builders. These workshops are designed to help students understand both the Tuck and greater entrepreneurial ecosystem resources, approaches to starting or building an early-stage company, terminology, and more. More information for current students is available on CE's Sharepoint site.

E-ship 101: Resources

Expanding the E-ship 101 Series, the Center for Entrepreneurship holds an E-ship 101: Resources session each fall which brings together a range of both on- and off-campus partners who can support students during their entrepreneurial journey.

E-ship 101: Technology Transfer

What exactly is the Technology Transfer office? What is the history technology transfer? How can this office come into play during a student’s time on-campus? This E-ship 101 session serves an overview and resource for students needing to know more about this office’s function as part of the entrepreneurial ecosystem on campus.

Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition Programming

Tuck has long offered events and programming around entrepreneurship through acquisition. In 2019, hosted by the Center for Entrepreneurship, the Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition Speaker Series at Tuck was founded by T’20s Ryan Turk and Jim Prial. The Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition Club works directly with the Center for Entrepreneurship on an ambitious speaker series which is part of what teaches would-be entrepreneurs at Tuck about innovative paths to company ownership.

Learn more about the ETA programming.

Summer Internships: Maynard Internship Program

The Maynard Internship Program (MIP), generously supported by Fred Maynard T’85, combines the summer internship with the opportunity to understand first-hand the challenges and rewards of entrepreneurial ventures. Three paths exist in this program for students to explore entrepreneurship or early-stage companies during their summer between first and second year.

  • Summer Startup Award: for students wishing to work on their venture exclusively
  • Entrepreneurial Award: for students wishing to work at an early-stage company
  • Private Equity (PE)/Venture Capital (VC) Award: for students wishing work at an early-stage focused private equity or venture capital firm

Portman Lecture Series: In the Spirit of Entrepreneurship

Each year, the Center for Entrepreneurship partners with Dartmouth’s Rockefeller Center for Public Policy and Social Sciences to bring to campus cutting-edge policy thinkers and practitioners in the areas of small business development and entrepreneurship. These may include small business persons and entrepreneurs; high ranking government officials; leaders of prominent business organizations; researchers from leading universities, think tanks and foundations concentrating on issues of small business development; and state directors of economic development.

In 2022, Simon Perkins, president of Orvis; and Bill McLaughlin D’78 T’81, previous president of Orvis, shared the Orvis story and how their company navigates and considers environmental and social impact. As a follow up program, in the fall of 2022, a select group of Tuck and Dartmouth undergraduates traveled to Orvis’ campus and flagship store to explore firsthand the Orvis company culture and to present their work on an Orvis project to their executives.

Additional programs and opportunities are offered throughout the year such as guest speakers or office hours.


Dartmouth Entrepreneurs Forum in partnership with the Magnuson Center for Entrepreneurship at Dartmouth College

This conference brings together entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and interested students for a day of panels, presentations, company showcases, and a live pitch competition. The event is a collaboration between the Magnuson Center for Entrepreneurship at Dartmouth College, Norwest Ventures, and Tuck. It takes place twice a year: Spring in Hanover and Fall in San Francisco.  

See below for past keynote speakers and agendas.

Additional programs and opportunities are offered throughout the year such as guest speakers or office hours.